Perfect Easter hols...sunshine, family, fab and lovely friends and even a college reunion in the middle of it all (although what on God's green earth possessed me to agree to a tour of the top of the chapel roof for absolutely no reason at all I cannot begin to imagine. It's that high for a reason, and it doesn't include ornery folk climbing up it). The sky turned blue and Cornwall (and everywhere else) turned her face to the sun and beamed back in delight. You could almost feel the ground splitting and heaving underfoot as seeds and shoots stretched and threw open their tiny green arms; and then just in time, just as our water tanks were beginning to think carefully about how much they had left in their bellies, the skies opened and it rained in torrents. We can harvest a thousand litres a night when it rains like that; we went from just over one tank to four and busting in two days. Rain and sun - the perfect mix - washing machine on, hoover on, reveling in our abundance. (Off grid is a sure fire way to enjoy doing both - you make hay while the sun shines, and no mistake...).