A Dose of Nature...
In 20 13 we contacted Bodriggy Surgery to see if we could work up a simple programme whereby we could use the land here to provide a community facility for users of the surgery. A very splendid doctor got back to us, and a year or so later, we've run a really fantastic nine week pilot programme in concert with the wonderful Nature Workshops, helped by the University of Exeter. Here are the photos of our A Team having a splendid time deep in the woods at Permanently Brilliant, in all weathers. We cooked, ate, whittled, chopped, carved, built, swung, laughed and generally Chilled. Our A Team rocked!
Since then - we've begun work on our Sensational Sensory Garden and established our Wild Tuesdays..we're unstoppable!
Since then - we've begun work on our Sensational Sensory Garden and established our Wild Tuesdays..we're unstoppable!