Permaculture Association LAND Demonstration Site:
just growing for good

Permanently Brilliant is a small woodland, forest garden and orchard in West Cornwall, working to grow food, bees, flowers, family and community health and wellbeing, and cared for using permacultural and organic principles. We're a fully certified Permaculture Association LAND Demonstration Site, and we're working to create environmental growth ...(more of the green stuff!) ... and keen to share all magnificent triumphs and glorious mistakes.
Our job is to create social and environmental profit via fair economic means: that means healthier, happier people (not so radical after all!) and a healthier, more resilient woodland, garden and soil - the stuff that makes our water, food and air. So we reckon that's quite a good idea, too. In permie (permaculture) speak, that comes out as People Care, Earth Care and Fair Share. You know it makes sense. :)
(And thanks to Rubes for the eye-poppingly fab photography...No, really. You'll be able to tell which I took...and which are hers...sigh. :))
And as a special treat, click on our logo for the very splendid song "Yield" by the utterly awesome Formidable Vegetable Sound System, who turn permaculture into musical chocolate. Have a look: they will Just Make Your Day Better. :)
Cheers! Manda and the tribe
Permanently Brilliant is a small woodland, forest garden and orchard in West Cornwall, working to grow food, bees, flowers, family and community health and wellbeing, and cared for using permacultural and organic principles. We're a fully certified Permaculture Association LAND Demonstration Site, and we're working to create environmental growth ...(more of the green stuff!) ... and keen to share all magnificent triumphs and glorious mistakes.
Our job is to create social and environmental profit via fair economic means: that means healthier, happier people (not so radical after all!) and a healthier, more resilient woodland, garden and soil - the stuff that makes our water, food and air. So we reckon that's quite a good idea, too. In permie (permaculture) speak, that comes out as People Care, Earth Care and Fair Share. You know it makes sense. :)
(And thanks to Rubes for the eye-poppingly fab photography...No, really. You'll be able to tell which I took...and which are hers...sigh. :))
And as a special treat, click on our logo for the very splendid song "Yield" by the utterly awesome Formidable Vegetable Sound System, who turn permaculture into musical chocolate. Have a look: they will Just Make Your Day Better. :)
Cheers! Manda and the tribe
And a few words from one of the talks I've done - this one a few years old - which effectively describes why we do what we do. Hmmm. One wonders sometimes if much has changed....
The Three Circles Thing.
The Three Circles Thing.