Wwoofers. What a splendid idea. It stand for Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms. Volunteers come and stay for a short break - a week, a fortnight, perhaps just a weekend - on farms and smallholdings, and work in return for food and accommodation. No money, just company, good cheer, new friends, good food, hard work and lots of laughter - with bramble scratches more than you can shake a stick at. But a shared experience, and a Very Good One. So far we've hosted Wwoofers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Yorkshire, London, Spain and all over France - and more to come. We've cut bramble, pulled bracken, weeded weeds, mulched fruit bushes, built pig pens, wheelbarrowed, hauled and dug horse manure, wood chippings and compost, climbed trees and cut miles and miles of bamboo for bee hotels. And eaten splendidly in verdant and jungly surroundings, inside if it's pouring down, and outside surveying our work when the sun shines. Which it's been doing lots of . This isn't a picture of a Wwoofer, by the way. It's one of our kune kunes, Shrek. But he does love a chat with a Wwoofer. And here's some pics of our WWoofers in action - plus a few of their thoughts about their time here:
Infinite thanks for looking after our daughter, she's come home content and super happy, and spends all day telling us stories about her time with you. Today we saw the photos - fantastic - and she says you're the nicest people in the world, that she's never eaten as well..the landscape, the flowers, the grandparents - she really loved the grandma! You have a lovely home, house and place to be...many thanks!" (rough translation) It's a tranquil and peaceful place, and suits those who love being outside and in contact with the green stuff almost all the time..." "When I'm older, I want to be like you guys!" "WWOOFing here was brilliant on so many levels. I felt like I'd stumbled across a luscious magical paradise - luscious with wildlife, cultivated plants and human spirit. My internal rhythms slowed (or, perhaps, returned to what they should usually be running at?) and I got to recharge while contributing to this wonderful island of brilliance. The WWOOFers cabin was pretty much my dream home (simple but homely, and right in the midst of the undergrowth), I really enjoyed the walk to my indoor/outdoor kitchen to prepare my evening meals and have absolutely ranked the toilet and natural water-treatment system as my favourite to date. I don't think I can fully explain how grateful I am to have had the chance to spend a week at Permanently Brilliant - if you've got the chance to go, do!" |
You can see more of what our lovely WWoofers say here: