what we do in brief
the things we say
brilliant growing
so what's environmental growth?
permacultural brilliance
bountiful perennial veg
tremendously tree-happy
our wondrous wooffers
forest garden
the soil factory
brilliant living
glorious grub
polycultural people
brilliant repurposing
adventurous animals
the one kwh house
carbon crunching
brilliant communities
the refugee crisis
Bea's week
Workshops, Talks & Events
Brilliant Bee Safaris
Bat Box Building - Why It's Crucial!
Rocket Kitchen
Wild Tuesdays
Tooled Up!
Food Bank Garden
The Garden of Senses
Hayle blooming bee friendly map
Forest Garden Magnificent Map
part of a cracking community
A Dose of Nature
brilliant bees
blooming bee friendly in Hayle
Hayle blooming bee friendly map
Hayle allotments
Hayle Pollinator Masterclass
brilliantly helpful
wildly chatty
brilliant links
principled by nature
natural capital
Hattie's chickens
brilliant books
contact us...
what people say
what we sell
permaculture design course
who we are
what we do
a forest garden ... or food forest ...
There are some absolutely brilliant, creative, positive deviant forces on this planet. And they make for us fantastic, imagination fuelling, limits-pushing stories and think pieces. Have a browse - these are some of my favourites.
This should be read by every politician, every farmer, every decision maker, before they even get out of bed. It tells of what the forces of Big do to land, and lives, and it does it in prose that will take your breath away. It's unforgettable.
Ever thought about why the utility companies are so big? Or why access to land is so hard? The first chapter will bump start your mind into a very new understanding of what we have stopped questioning...