Lots and lots of gorgeous titchy things happening right now. Titchy chicks, baby vegetables, billions of baby bumblebees everywhere. The new worker bumblebees will be all growing up and hungry - they'll need loads of food right now. Some of them are collecting food for the nest, some will keep it clean, and look after the baby bees. We were clearing round an apple tree this week, and a cloud of bumblebees suddenly rose up out of the long grass wondering why we were bashing their nest! We apologised mightily (always polite to apologise when you disturb a bee) and backed off, leaving them in peace. Tranquility returned and we will leave that patch of long grass with a big sign next to it. Later in the summer, the queen will lay eggs that will hatch into make bees or new queen bees. The queen's going to need loads of energy for this, and so this is why the worker bees are bringing it all home to store right now. When we say busy as a bee - it's not just honey bees we mean. They're all at it ...For more info, check out the splendid BumbleBee Conservation Trust. and you can see how bee friendly your garden is easily with their beekind.bumblebeeconservation.org/finder and map! What's your score?